Café Piraguas Single Origin or Coffee Blend
If you have ever felt confused in a coffee store or in a supermarket on the different coffee origins and blends that they offer, you are not alone. In a Coffee shop you can always ask somebody for help so you can take the best decision for you. In this case, we are going to tell you about the differences between a single origin coffee and blend coffee beans.
You can be fooled thinking that all coffee brands use the same definition for location or farm by labeling their beans on packaging and in marketing. Another way is believing that any bag of single origin coffee is better than a blend or thinking that a single origin coffee is a good reference of quality and have a higher price.
Let’s start with single origin bag of coffee comes from one location, while a blend can come from multiple origins. Café Piraguas comes from the single farm, find out the benefits of our coffee.
The Single Origin Coffee
Single origin coffee can be very confusing because there are different types in the broad term of single origin, we can find from Single Country up to Micro-Lot. Next, we are going to talk about all the different types of single origin.
Single Country
These beans are sourced from the same country. In several supermarket brands will have their bag of Colombian coffee beans. This means that beans probably mixed from different farms, regions, and plantations, all from within the same country. You can find different quality and types of the country in the same bag.
Single Region
A bag of coffee from a single region includes beans form multiple farms in a specific geographic location. In Colombia there are several coffee regions and areas (you can learn more about it in our journal) that produce a similar taste. Café Piraguas comes from the region of Caldas in a single farm.
Single Farm
A single farm coffee as the name suggests, is a bag of coffee that is produced in a single farm. You can find coffee that received great amount of care by the farmers, usually they do their best to produce quality coffees that meet their own standards and global market.
Café Piraguas comes from a single farm from a family that takes high care to their plantation from more than 100 years.
Single Micro-Lot
Micro-lot are born and produced to premium and luxury market due to their limited production.
Coffee Blends
Coffee blending it is common in the coffee business primarily for commercial reasons. By mixing higher quality arabica beans from some parts of the world with cheaper robusta from other parts.
But not always its like that, specialty coffee roasters, have put together many new and carefully designed blends over the past years with taste and quality being a priority in the blend.
Some of the benefits in the blend is to combine the two different locations to produce unique types of flavors, making whole new experiences in you cup. For example, combining Colombia arabica with Ethiopian coffee.
If you want to know more about coffee and especially Colombian Coffee visit us regularly and find our latest blogs and news about our product and the coffee business. Remember you can find the finest Colombian Coffee in London and Amsterdam with Café Piraguas.